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What's behind the Criminalization of Effort? Privilege: (definition) a right, immunity or benefit or advantage enjoyed by a person or body of persons beyond the common advantages of other individuals; the enjoyment of a desirable right or an exemption from some evil or burden (Websters Universal Dictionary © 1936) For the past several years one often hears aspiring politicians and c [...]
Each of us believes in a world where laws are obeyed and we share respect for our fellow man. Even though we consider ourselves Law Abiding Citizens, there are times when we stretch the edges of what is legal or illegal. Take driving on the highway for example. I think that its safe to say that just about everyone exceeds the speed limit each time they drive on the highway. G Gordon Liddy visit [...]
If nothing else, CoVid19 has revealed that both the Federal and State governments are "policy-compromised." What happened to America's psyche that the will to “solve” a crisis, has been usurped by a desire to simply “manage” one? We've been watching politicians handle the rippling effects of this pathogen crafted in edicts and mandates which arrive two weeks too late; leaving first responders stru [...]
American Independence and it’s link to the automobile The single greatest element of freedom to Americans is our ability to own and drive a vehicle. Hands down, its tentacles reach into nearly 40% of our economy. It’s the fuel industry, the new and used car markets, highway construction, the insurance companies and so much more. In fact, over 90% of U.S. Households own or have access to a car ( [...]
A few months ago, my Austrian Cousin wrote me on What’s App: “WTF is Trump doing?” My cousins apoplectic question about The Paris Accord is the result of a vast media campaign, financed at the behest of Governments, who, through grants are encouraging educators to ignore science completely. Have Scientists and Educators become prostitutes, putting grant monies ahead of facts or even common sens [...]