Common Sense


A few months ago, my Austrian Cousin wrote me on What’s App: “WTF is Trump doing?” My cousins apoplectic question about The Paris Accord is the result of a vast media campaign, financed at the behest of Governments, who, through grants are encouraging educators to ignore science completely. Have Scientists and Educators become prostitutes, putting grant monies ahead of facts or even common sens [...]
Teenage America is suddenly immersed in the gun control debate. Understandably this is a visceral reaction to the mass school shooting which happened in Parkland, Florida. The nation's media have done an excellent job of providing coverage of the carnage, swooping in with hysteria at every opportunity this past decade. We must acknowledge that students are in fact one of the most vulnerable sectio [...]
"No law ever stopped a murderer from killing someone. Intent is more a weapon than the tool by which one carries out the act." The recent school shooting tragedy in Florida reminds us all how, in a single instant, one’s life can change. What’s lacking in the public conversation are comprehensive strategies for “prevention.” After all, we have all kinds of security for adults whether it’s the d [...]
How Donald Trump is the modern day George Lazenby Donald Trump woke up on November 8, 2016 to discover he had become George Lazenby. Not literally of course, but Trump had done something that no other non-government person had done in over 200 years. He became President. Lazenby had similar success in the late 1960’s when he, a non-thespian, was given the most coveted masculine role in [...]