Conspiracy Theories

The mind often rambles and creates surrealities from what it sees in the world. What is interesting however is how very real the possibilities become when a few key components interlock to form the basis for truth. No matter what your politics, we hope you enjoy these crazy conspiracy theories based on certain very real events, statements and actions,

Each of us believes in a world where laws are obeyed and we share respect for our fellow man. Even though we consider ourselves Law Abiding Citizens, there are times when we stretch the edges of what is legal or illegal. Take driving on the highway for example. I think that its safe to say that just about everyone exceeds the speed limit each time they drive on the highway. G Gordon Liddy visit [...]
Is Elon Musk the real world Dr. Evil? Hurricane Irma is currently barrelling her way through the Carribean, making a beeline for Miami. As Floridians race northward, one person who did not turn and run was Sir Richard Branson. Branson battened down the hatches on Necker Island and took cover in his wine cellar before Irma reduced his "Great House" to rubble. The Brain, o [...]